Latest activity

  • J
    jeff posted the thread Store option in Suggestions.
    When you sell items from the shop . would be nice to get a message with the items you sold
  • J
    jeff posted the thread Clam opening in Suggestions.
    it would be great to be able to open more then 10k clam per click since you need a lot of pearls when upgrading your Grade and spend...
  • J
    jeff posted the thread Pet type change in Suggestions.
    It would be nice that the pets that have reached the final Pet Type to cannot have the type changed again. Awhile ago i had my pet reach...
  • J
    The server should have a NPC what can show you a window with the items you deleted just the same as you drag an item out of your...
  • E
    emrestorm2424 updated their status.
    Öncellikle merhaba benim hesabım neden banladın 21 aralıkta ban sebebi oyun dışı ticaret yqzıyor benim öyle biseyle ne alakam olabilir...
  • V
    Vortexgamer posted the thread Hesap Engellendi in Guides.
    Hile kullanmadim bisey yapmadim Hesap engellendi diyor. Yeni hesap olusturuyorum tekrardan hesap engellendi diyor
  • F
    Flavio replied to the thread Problem z clientem.
    Nie moge się zalogować,jest napisane ciągle Blad polaczenia z serwerem
  • F
    Witam mam problem z powodu ostatniego aktualizacji (wprowadzenie map sahary) nie można uruchomić sie na koncie, wszystkie kanaly...
  • [CoMa]Matthews
    [CoMa]Matthews replied to the thread General Discussion Rules.
    DUNGEONS: DATE: 17.Ganesha Temple 30/NOV/2024, 19.00 (CET) 30/KAS/2024, 21.00 (TR) 18.Astrayos's Lair 01/DEC/2024, 09.00 (CET)...
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  • [CoMa]Matthews
    [CoMa]Matthews replied to the thread General Discussion Rules.
    ACTION: DATE: NEW RANK POINT LIMIT (from 300K to 1M) 11/DEC/2024, 19.00 (CET) 11/ARA/2024, 21.00 (TR) ELEMENTAL METINSTONE MAPS...
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  • [CoMa]Matthews
    [CoMa]Matthews replied to the thread General Discussion Rules.
    MAP: DATE: OCHAO MOUNTAINS 01/DEC/2024, 19.00 (CET) 01/ARA/2024, 21.00 (TR) SAHARA DESERT 06/DEC/2024, 19.00 (CET) 06/ARA/2024...
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