- Each account is personal and non-transferable. The loan, exchange or sale of Forum accounts is prohibited, under penalty of permanent blocking of the account in question;
- Blocked members who borrow friends' accounts, to post and participate in the forum, will lead to permanent blocking of their accounts and those shared for such acts. The same is applicable for the creation of multi-accounts with the same effect.
- Community banned members are allowed to make a new forum account to appeal said community ban.
II.I - Language
II.II - Content
- In this forum it is prohibited: Advertising or references (in any form) to competing communities or entities; Commercial Advertising; Political Radicalism; Content and links to pornographic, erotic or sites that include total or partial nudity, even in the form of unblocking; Offensive material and / or potentially shocking content for the most sensitive people; Piracy / Warez; Xenophobic / Racist Comments; Links-Bait.
- It is not allowed to place, wherever it may be, topics or responses with a view to the Trading of Accounts/Items for money;
- No purchase / sale / exchange of real goods (such as money) for In Game goods (Properties, Money, Drugs, Weapons etc) is allowed;
- Spam is not allowed anywhere on the forum. Spam means all messages whose content does not bring anything new to the topic. Responses containing less than 5 words or just emojis are usually indicative of Spam;
- Off-Topic is not allowed in the entire Forum except in the Off-Topic area. Off-Topic means any and all contributions made to a topic by means of a response whose content discusses an irrelevant or totally different matter from that initially intended;
- It is not allowed to publish private conversations without the consent of all persons involved in them (this includes messages in the game, Forum, IRC, Discord, Skype, TeamSpeak or any other chat Software) exception being for evidence in Player Reports;
- It is not allowed to publish personal data such as Discord, Skype, telephone / mobile numbers, addresses (In the form of a street. Referring to localities) , among other information that is considered as personal data;
- Quotes from responses that do not respect any of the General or Specific Rules of the Forum are not allowed;
- It is not allowed to abuse the use of emojis, line breaks, images or any type of text formatting is not allowed whenever this makes the answer / topic unreadable, confusing or that highlights it in relation to the responses of other users. The abuse of CAPS LOCK (capital letters) is also included here;
- The Spoiler button must not be used for the purpose of hiding disregard for the rules. Users who do this will be punished in the same way they would be if there were no Spoiler;
- To keep the forum properly organized, the Moderation team reserves the right to close inactive topics and without "feedback" when deemed appropriate, taking into account the last reply depending on each section rules;
- Polls can be created, in order to collect opinions on a given subject;
- Avoid creating new topics when you find that you can't find yours in the section where you posted it. Use the search and, if it is not present in the archive or in the section, it is because it was hidden. A hidden topic serves for the moderation team to analyze and correct reported situations, without users interrupting their work (adding new responses). Nothing is deleted!
- The author of the topic has the power to decide on the topics created by him / her, and may request the closing or reopening of the same. However, the final decision regarding the reopening of a topic rests with the BoardTeam/Astra STAFF Team;
- Digging up topics is not allowed. Only the author of the topic can do so if the topic has not yet fulfilled its purpose;
- It is not allowed to bump (Bring Up My Post - Response used only to make a topic go up in the list) on a topic, of which the user is or is not the author, less than 24 hours after the last answer on that topic;
- Double Post - writing two replies in a row on the same topic - is not allowed. The only exceptions considered is the misuse of the forum software (cases of lag) or by permission from thread owner (reserved spots in thread). Double posting is permitted if the comments cannot be edited by the author.
- Serious provocations and / or insults to other users may result in a warning or, in extreme cases, blocking the Forum account;
- You are not allowed to create replies on behalf of someone who is blocked in the Forums;
- It is strictly forbidden for a user to impersonate a member of the Astra STAFF Team. This includes, but is not limited to, username, avatar, signature or use of expressions used by the Team such as "Closed", "Moved";
- It is not allowed to "steal" Avatars from other users (Unless the image has not been created by them). If this happens, the victim must inform the Board Team and prove that he was the creator of the Signature / Avatar; The same applies to identity theft. This attitude is punishable by permanent forum blocking.
- The use of the Report button should only occur when there is an infringement in the post in question or when someone wants an administrator to take some action on their own thread such as closing/moving/re-opening. Abuse and misuse of this button may result in a Warning. If there are many infractions in the topic they browse, report a single answer (at the beginning or at the end), asking for the moderators' analysis, avoiding the internal moderation workload;
- If any user shows clear signs of wanting to only disturb the Forum due to their topics, replies or Private Messages, they will be subject to permanent blocking of their Forum account and possible extension of this blocking to the Game Account;
- No discussion of account blocking (Forum or Game) is permitted in the Forum (Unless you are using the ban appeal section). Such topics will be closed immediately. Insisting on creating such topics can result in Warnings. Complaints about account bans should be done on the ban appeal area.
- Defamation, accusations, insults and other ways to denigrate the image of the Astra STAFF Team may result in a Forum block between 30 and 60 days to a Permanent block. These types of situations may also extend to the Game Account;
- Any serious infraction, committed by a user, via Private Message, can be reported and the team will act accordingly.
- Complaints about members of the Board Team should be made directly to the Senior Board Moderator or Board Admin.
- The General Rules of the Forum, with regard to the content of posts, also apply to the content of signatures, profiles & avatars of users.
- Signatures / Avatars may contain Foreign Language, as long as that Language is not Improper or Insulting / Offensive, or that in any way violates the other General Forum Rules;
- Users who have avatars / signatures that do not comply with the Rule will be contacted by Private Message from a member of the Forum Team and will have a period of 48 hours (from the date and time the PM is sent) to edit them.
- Punishments to players are handled on a case-by-case basis and is entirely up to admin discretion where they may consider your past offences, the scale of your offence and other factors.