Start guide
The beginning
The pet
Other systems
Special Dew
Aura suit
Ochao rings
Rank system
Where is it best grown?
What do suits/permanent boosters do?
Where is the anti XP ring?
How do I collect the drop automatically?
Why can't I open the store?
Why aren't the messages sent automatically?
I voted! Why don't I get the points from the vote?
How to donate?
What is the best character?
Why does X have higher DMG than me but we have the same items?
How can I change weapon bonuses without changing AVG?
Where do I buy premises for Runs?
What can I do to resist the runs?
I can't enter the runs! Why?
What is the best Vot box?
Battle pass expires?
Start guide
With this guide, the OBGames team wants to give you tips for an easier evolution on the server. It will present you with the essential things to be able to have the best possible start. The first time you enter the server you will have the following items in your inventory.
Once again in the inventory you will find some shortcuts:
Npc- remote where you find all the npc on the server and you can use them no matter what map or dungeon.
You can also find Wikipedia where you can find out more details about where you can drop itm and where you can find bosses.
You can also find an automatic bonus exchange.
There you can also find the icons for the deposit and special deposit.
You will also find a shortcut where you can sell the ingots to receive money, also there you will be able to destroy unused items.
You can also find the shortcut to alchemy and biologist.
The inventory
The main browser is divided into 4 categories that you can access from the left side.
1. Equipment inventory.
2. Inventory with suits.
3. Inventory with boosters.
4. Inventory with elemental rings.
Craftable at Seon-Pyeong (legendary blacksmith)
These rings are used more in the latter part of the game.
You will need 100,000 ore to craft at Kawuco 2 in exchange for 5 shards for ore
Shards drop into the game
See WIKI for details
Bonuses can also be added to the legendary blacksmith for these rings:
Hp, demi-human, Atack weapon/magic, stones, monsters, bosses, animals, orcs, etc..
For crafting you need 1000 magic wood.
For craft you need 1000 ancient wood.
The rings are not PERMANENT
With ring extension object sese can extend the time by 3 days/use.
Special Inventory
By pressing the K and U keys you will find a special inventory that is divided into several sections. There you will find inventory for: upgrades, books, stones, changers, chests.
First steps:
In order to start the evolution, you must teleport to the farm maps that you can find on the teleport ring.
Farm maps are divided into 3 levels of difficulty.
X1 – you get a chest per stone
X5 - you get 5 chests per stone but the pv will also be higher X10
X25 - you get 25 chests per stone but the pv will also be higher X100
To be able to increase in dmg you will need the following:
You will need a companion (egg) which you can find in the remote NPC -Metin Gaya Shop. To be able to purchase it, you will need Metin Gaya Cristal, which you can drop starting from map 65-90.
Also in the Metin Gaya Shop you will find the accompanying Destiny Globe to be able to change the type of pet (1-8) and you will also find the Magic Companion with which you can change the status of the pet. The pet can be raised with Pet Snacks up to lv 120 which you can drop starting from maps 65-90.
To be able to evolve the pet Lvl 40-60-80 you will need the books
Companion book Young, Wild, Courageous.
From LV 120 to 250 you will need an extra snack for the pet:
Skills for:
To unlock the first set of skills, you have pet level 120 (doesn't matter the type)
- at 140, 40 is unlocked
- at 160, 80 is unlocked
- at 180, 120 is unlocked
- at 200, 160 is unlocked
- at 250, 200 is unlocked
For pet type (8-16) you will need changing follow-up
The principle of operation is the same - SEE TUTORIAL
For drop information see Wikipedia in-game
Change the type
Change the bonuses (in case you are not satisfied and want higher attack or higher pv)
Another way you can increase your dmg is to do your alchemy.
Alchemy has 3 important evolutions... Mythical, Prismatic, Holy.
To be able to receive the bonus from the wheel, you must have the wheel with alchemy of the same type regardless of the +.
pvp alchemy
pvm alchemy
Skill improvement.
These have several stages:- G1 - P Spirit Stone
P - S1 Philosopher's Stone ( Astrayos - Sfenks - Ru-tai)
S1 - L1 Legendary Spirit Stone (From Rune 29-35)
L1 - U Ultra Spirit Stone (From Run 35-60).
When all skills have the same level you will receive a bonus
Manual reject/help is used to make G directly
Or by reading rejection/help books
To improve the ability NR7
-yohara spirit stone from G>P
-stone of the wise spirit yohara P>S
From S > U the stages are the same as above
Once with the number of destroyed targets, you will also receive a bonus for the targets, the bosses. The bonus is offered for every 100 destroyed targets, it increases with the number.
Dungeons (F7) and obtaining costumes and pets, mounts, weapon skins and smokes that give you bonuses depending on the level of difficulty.
They are represented by the classic dungeons only as:
1-HP is increased
2-you need 3x more tickets
Ex: if in dragon you need 3 keys for this type of run you need 9
3-2x drop
4-requires 50% more charging time
EX if run "X" has a normal 6h cooldown for the same type of run, but the harder version will have a 9h cooldown
The transition between a legendary and a classic run is represented by:
If you press TELEPORT automatically, you have selected the legendary version
if you press CALL, you have selected the normal option; the boss will be teleported to you but it only works in the farm map and can only be seen/defeated by you without other players intervening.
With the evolution of the server, the team will provide you with different item with vote coins. You will be able to get vote coins after you vote on the site.
These chests will be added as the game evolves
To better understand the principle of operation, notice that each chest has the name of the runes
To choose the best set, you must orient yourself according to the difficulty of the dungeon
For ex: lost island has weaker bonuses compared to golden cave.
In the game you will also find the wiki system to get more information about drops, evolutions, etc.
World boss spawns once every 24 hours in a dedicated map:
This map is a PVP-free map
Only the first 10 players who have the highest dmg in BOSS will receive a drop.
As necessary bonuses for maximum damage we need demi-human, medium damage and weapon/magic attack.
CAREFUL! The PVM weapon is better than the PVP weapon because of the avarage damage.
It helps you realize how long it will take until a "Boss" will be spawned
You can find these Bosses on the teleport ring > boss room
respawn 6h;
necessary bonuses for semi-human, medium damage and weapon/magical attack.
PVP free area
As a drop, the most important are the MD Vouchers
(1,10,50,100,250,500) depending on luck
We recommend that you have advanced PVP equipment to face the battles.
Average damage
1000% average damage system
At the beginning the average can be added on all 75 weapons
In the game with the help of the switch-bot you have the possibility to catch 100 but the chance is very small so we recommend you opt for the average 80 on the switch
medium damage changer (80-100)
With this special changer you have the possibility to increase the average up to 100 and this is where the magic begins
ATTENTION you cannot continue the evolution of the average without having 100 average damage on the weapon.
Now once you own a weapon with an average damage of 100 you can increase the average up to 1000 with different scrolls that I will present below.
Attention, each scroll added to the weapon increases the average damage by only 1%!
Ex from 100 to 150 we need 50 scrolls "add average 150"
950>1000 we need 50 scrolls "add average 1000"
For runes, you will need a wind, earth, ice, fire, lightning and darkness or elemental talisman and specific bonuses such as: orcs, devil, vampire, etc.
To begin with, talismans can be crafted on map 1 at The Monk MILBON (premise stores) or dropped at runes (12-16).
The elemental talisman is crafted map 1 of all 6 talismans +200 at the NPC Elemental Envoy.
If you are not sure that you can beat the boss, we recommend you to use the "TEST" option
Which has a 30 min cooldown after each use.
To be able to increase your dmg, you need a sash, you can find it at Sash Merchant. You can drop fine canvases starting from the LVL 55 map.
The maximum degree of absorption of the scarf is 100%.
To increase the absorption initially you will have to combine the scarves 1% >> 30%.
From 40% >> 100% you will need scrolls that each add 1%.
They craft map 1 of the infinity shop or have a chance to drop runs (see wiki in game).
Once you have a sash equipped on your account, you can also wear wings (skin sash).
Also buy dew, energy crystal from NPC in map1 (Huahn-so)- Dew. To buy the dew you need a bag of herbs, it is dropped in the stone chests starting from map 55.
Special Dew
On the server you can also find special dew that is crafted with flowers, you can farm them in the flower map. You can enter the map from NPC Huahn-So, at the same NPC you can also craft.
The most important are the blue and purple dew for DMG PVM
Flowers can also be crafted: with flower fragments
10 fragments=1 flower
To be able to buy ITMnecessary to make the biologist you need the biologist book. You can drop this in chests from the stone starting from map 55. In the biologist's shop you can find all the ITM necessary for the biologist up to the wisdom gem. You can also find biologic time reset in the store.
Advanced Biologist Guide:
Aura suit
On the server you will also find the aura suit which has a maximum level of 250.
The aura suit can be upgraded in map1 at NPC Theowahdan with the fire aura Rune (10)(50)(100)(250)(500).
To be able to evolve the costume you need: Agate, Normal Chaos Stone, Intermediate Chaos Stone, Epic Chaos Stone.
Finishes can be added to the aura: Aura buff absorption (1%)(2%)(3%)((5%)(10%)(30%)(50%)(75%).
Boosters are added to the server, you can find the adventurer boosters at NPC BOSS GAYA SHOP.
Meley boosters can be crafted at the Infinite Shop
Maximum LVL for melee boosters is +15. When you have all the boosters +15 you will receive a bonus set. The set bonus consists of 25% average damage.
From +0 to +9 you need to items from bosses Nr. 16 and above
Booster Tickets can also be crafted at Infinity Envoy
From +9 to +15 you must farm to metin stones in ice for Shou Banners and Crimson Dragon Claw & Queen Mirror drop at Meley and Ignail:
You will need 30k SHOUU Banner
*this would mean 750k ice chests
PVP boosters
Craftable in map 1 at Infinite Store
They do not offer a specific bonus when they are all equipped, nor do they increase.
On the server you can also find the rune system.
Runes are objects that give you additional abilities. You can view the runes by pressing the F9 key, you can attach and remove them. They can be crafted in map1 at NPC kawuco2 with rune fragments.
As a percentage of 10k chests dropped you get 100 shards from each
10k chests means 400 broken stones at x25
Rune Bonuses:
Once crafted, even if they are not +9, specific bonuses can be added for each individual rune, for example:
Attack, demi-human, strong against breeds...
The bonus offered in the present case is chosen randomly between 100-1000 attack
A maximum of 5 bonuses can be added.
If, however, the bonus is not the desired one, it can be removed and added again, specifying that there is a possibility that it will be weaker than what we already had.
Ex item that allows the elimination of bonuses 2,3, and 4
On the server you will also find the glove system, they can be crafted in map1 at the Infinite Store npc.
On the server there are both PVM and PVP gloves.
Ochao rings – Ochao talisman
Talisman rings can significantly improve your dmg in both bosses and melee. The rings are of several kinds (OCHAO ring - OCHAO guardian ring, OCHAO talisman - OCHAO guardian talisman). They can be evolved to increase their bonuses. They are permanent.
Align System
The degree is a very important system in the evolution of the character:
-offers PVM bonuses (metin, monsters and PV)
Below you can see the maximum values
at the beginning it will be limited and with the evolution of the game more thresholds will be added, for example:
Rank: 30,000
It is possible to reach 30k grade points using the craftable "head of life" at Item merchant map1, quick menu, Craftland
Zen beans drop from chests >SEE WIKI in-game
Rank: 1,000,000
Later, you may need craftable "special fruits" at the infinity store
That means the degree will NOT be able to be increased with the "fruit of life"!
Drop to advanced dungeons
SEE the in-game WIKI
Rank: 2,000,000
It represents the latest evolution
From 1M to 1.1M you will need 10 fruits (1.0M-1.1M) and so on up to 2M
Special fruits also have advanced drop runs
But they can also be crafted in Kawuco 2
Equipment EVOLUTION!
On the server you will find a wide variety of evolutions for each race.
The maximum level of the equipment is +9. It is valid for all breeds.
Below we will present a series of prints with some developments.
The evolution starts from the poison and up to the dark dragon sword, you will need craft material that falls in the lower maps + the enchanted forest
From sword Ochao to ice:>>see teleport ring
From +0 to +9 without fail you will need about 125k upgrade chests
Where to get the necessary materials: SEE WIKI
In other words, you will have to break at x25 >10,000 stones for an item+9 without failing!
The same rule applies from the shadow sword to the vampire sword, where from the stone you will receive a single chest from which you will have the chance to drop for the necessary materials
The need being also ~250k chests
I will leave you a link in which everything necessary to be able to evolve the armor is presented.İtem.6/
As you can see, there are 2 evolutions for belts and shoes. The first evolutions are those with monsters and stones and the second evolution are monsters and bosses.İtem.6/
As you can see, I have left a link for each of you so you can see what you need for each craft and each upgrade in +.
The stones on the server can be increased up to +9 with only one exception, the monster stone which increases up to +10. At the store you will only find +4 stones. The stones you can add are the +5 ones, you can drop them starting from the Ochao Mountain map (monsters and fatal +5). Starting from the Ochao Mountains you can drop stones in every map. You can add them to map1 at Npc Guardian Ochao.
Consumables are mostly represented by food, water and fish.
Items that offer you different bonuses for 30 minutes:
1) Food is crafted at the Legendary blacksmith
it is prepared from food:
which drops from the food chest; it is brewed in the Sahara Desert.
Polish system
Polishing are also present on the server: Equipment, Costumes, Boosters, Rings, Runes.
Polishing have values from (10%-100%)
An example would be: Sword Valley +9 offers 720% meth with 10% polishing, it would be 720%+72% and the higher the polishing, the higher the bonuses. At 100% polishing - 720%+720%.
Elemental Rings
Ring polishing is only valid for elemental rings. They all work on the same principle as the equipment. They will be added to the game with the evolution of the server.
1.1 Where I can do LVL?
Our recommendation is to grow to stones (where you can hit faster if you want to level up quickly), growing to metin stones you will also farm at the same time. Accessing the Teleport Ring you will see that each map has a certain corresponding level.
OBS: it doesn't make sense to stay at lv 80,90,100... compared to other servers here you have to make lv 120 as soon as possible.
In farm map 90-120 you will find the enchanted forest x1
There you can do the easiest LVL from 90 to 120 because the stones have low hp and you can break them easily.
1.2 What are permanent suits made of?
Permanent costumes are made with the help of "Time costume (permanent)" which can be crafted at the Infinite Store - the "Upgrade Items" section.
The same is done for boosters and runes.
1.3 Where is the anti XP ring?
You can find the anti-exp ring by pressing the "ESC" key-Game Options-Exp-Block.
1.4 How do I collect the drop automatically?
For automatic collection you have to press the "ESC" key - Choose Settings, tick automatic collection.
1.5 Why can't I open the store?
To open a store, press the "Y" key, select the number of hours, name. You need to find out map1-ch1 Blue Kingdom. If you had a store open and it won't open anymore, you have to empty the second inventory of the shop.
1.6 Why are messages not sent automatically?
To send the messages automatically, you must select the "shout" option > write the message EX:
Sell, buy X or simply BPBPBP
For example:
Later, with the help of the "CTRL+C" shortcut, you activate auto-chat.
A pop-up will appear and you will have to select "yes".
1.7 I voted! Why don't I receive the points from the vote?
To receive the voting points, you must refresh the website page with the voting window open.
If the problem persists, it means that you have already voted for another server in 24 hours or that 24 hours have not passed since the last vote.
1.8 How to donate?
The easiest method is E-PAYOUTS.
Select the desired quantity and you will be redirected to a payment method:
1.9 What is the best character?
The characters in the game are very well balanced both PVM and PVP. Each character has an ability that gives you additional attack example (war - aura, sura – enchant blade, saman - forced attack, ninja - flake walk, Lykan - the soul of the red wolf). Sura can be slightly different from the other characters due to the intelligence that greatly increases the dmg of the bewitched. Due to the enchant blade that gives a more considerable attack value than the other skills, we could say that it is a little better than the others.
2.0 Why does X have higher DMG than me but we have the same items?
Because the game is not strictly based on items. You can increase your dmg in N ways starting with: average damage, alchemy, scarf, pet, attack value, skills, consumables and many others that you will discover during evolution.
At the same time, you have to consider the bonus system against stones/bosses.
2.1 How can I change the weapon bonuses without changing the average damage?
To change the weapon bonuses, you will need the special marble that you drop at Astrayos-Sphenx and Ru-tai.
Attention, even if you will have to choose 5 bonuses, only the first 3 are taken into account.
2.2 Where do I buy passes for Dungeons?
To buy tickets go to "Remote NPC" - "Boss Gaya Shop" and you will find all the tickets for the small dungeons.
For advanced runs you need to go to map 1 > "The Monk Milbon"
2.3 What can I do to resist the dungeons?
In order to resist the dungeons bosses at the beginning you will need the damage resistance of the Skill Damage, in the game there are the following Items with Resistance of Skill Damage essential at the beginning of the game: Oceanic Shoes, Kyanite Ruby Earrings & Zodiac Shield. It is recommended to have your and degree (obtaining PV from him) and you will also need alchemy (REZ PC and PV).
Please also take into account the abilities of the pet.
2.5 Battle pass expires?
NO, this is permanent and can be completed only once, the level of difficulty being high.
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